Seeing a obgyn Regularly (7 Reasons You Shouldn’t Skip your)

Having a gynecologist appointment is not always the most pleasant experience. But keeping up with your annual checkups and visits can help you stay healthier, diagnose any issues before they get worse, and catch any potential problems early on. We all know how important it is to see your doctor for regular check-ups and to have healthy habits, but many of us don’t follow this advice as much as we should. Meeting with a gynecologist requires courage because it involves talking about private parts, but also because many women find these appointments uncomfortable. But seeing a gynecologist regularly is one of the best ways to stay healthy and catch anything that might be a problem before it gets out of hand. Here are 7 reasons why you shouldn’t skip your next appointment:


You can catch problems before they become severe.

If you haven’t been to the gynecologist in a while and have a history of certain conditions, like STDs or HPV, you can get tested. If you have symptoms, your doctor can give you a diagnosis and see what’s wrong before it gets any worse. This can help you treat the condition and/or find ways to deal with it as quickly as possible, which can help you feel better faster and reduce the chance of transmitting it to others. If you don’t know if you have a certain condition, your gynecologist can also help you figure that out by performing a physical exam. They can look at your vaginal discharge, test your urine, and perform a Pap test (or take biopsies if you have a thick discharge). If you’re sexually active but don’t use condoms, they can also do a swab to test for STDs. Many of these things are also important to do for your own self-awareness, because catching an issue early on is the best way to treat it.


You can learn about your risk for certain diseases.

Some diseases, like cervical cancer, can be screened for. Unfortunately, cervical cancer has a high mortality rate, but screening for it can help prevent it and save lives. Your gynecologist can also test for STDs, which can be treated, but also for other potential risks. HPV, for example, can lead to cervical cancer, genital warts, and other types of abnormal tissue growths. Some diseases can also impact fertility, which is something many women who are trying to get pregnant or have been trying to have children for a while might not be aware of. Certain STDs, for example, can impact fertility, which is something important to know about if you are trying to have children.


It’s a time for you to ask questions and raise concerns.

Going to the gynecologist is a great time for you to ask any questions you have about your sexual health, your general health, and any concerns you have about your body. You might have issues you’re currently dealing with, have questions about what’s normal, or just want to know more about your reproductive system. A gynecologist will tell you what’s normal and what isn’t, and they can help you find solutions to any problems you might be having. If you have been feeling any abnormalities in your body, this is a great time to raise them with your doctor — you don’t have to feel ashamed or embarrassed, because this is something they deal with every day and are used to talking about.


A Gynecologist allows you to check your own body for any irregularities.

If you want to know what’s normal for your body (and what isn’t), you can ask your gynecologist to show you what you should be feeling. Sometimes, it can be difficult to feel your own cervix, see your discharge, or know when your period is supposed to come. If you have had a problem with your period, you should be able to feel your ovaries or have your doctor feel them to check if there is an issue with them. Some people feel very comfortable with their bodies and don’t need their doctor to show them what’s normal, but for others, this can be an incredibly powerful experience.


It gives you the chance to update your contraception and plan if/when you want to have children.

If you are sexually active and don’t use condoms, you can discuss contraception options with your gynecologist, like birth control pills, IUDs, or getting an HPV vaccine. They will also be able to examine your reproductive system, which can help you figure out your fertility and when you might be able to get pregnant. If you are trying to get pregnant, your gynecologist can help you figure out your fertility and what is the best time to try to conceive. This can be helpful because not all women know when their cycles will be the most regular or when they will be ovulating.


You can get advice on how to stay healthy and continue to be aware of your body.

Your gynecologist will be able to tell you what you need to do to stay healthy, like how often you should be urinating, how often you should be changing your tampon, if you have signs of yeast infections, or any other concerns. They can also give you information about STDs, your reproductive system, and any other questions you might have about your body. For example, many women don’t know that they can check their own breasts for lumps, which can help you catch any potential issues before they become severe. Your gynecologist will also be able to help you understand how your body works and what changes are normal as you get older.

Although it can be scary to go see a gynecologist, it’s important that you do so. If you have any concerns about your reproductive health or if you are not comfortable talking about anything related to your genitals, you should visit the doctor sooner rather than later. Even if you think you’re okay, you never know what might lie ahead. Your gynecologist can help you find out what is wrong and take steps to prevent it from getting worse. The benefits of seeing your gynecologist regularly include catching an issue before it becomes severe, learning about your risk for certain diseases, and checking your own body for any irregularities. It also gives you the chance to update your contraception and plan if/when you want to have children.

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Dr. Adeeb AlShahrour

Dr. Alshahrour is a highly skilled obstetrician and gynecologist who provides compassionate care to women of all ages. He has years of experience in the field, and is dedicated to helping his patients achieve the best possible health outcomes.